Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nine Reasons I Heart Michelle Obama

9. This is a truly accomplished woman. Lawyer, Chicago city administrator, community outreach worker and wife of President Barack Obama Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama of Chicago’s South Side is the business. Michelle graduated in 1981 from Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago's West Loop as class salutatorian. After high school, she followed her brother to Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985 with a B.A. in Sociology. She went on to earn a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1988, where she took part in demonstrations demanding more minority students and professors.

8. She serves with a pure heart. Unlike so many celebs and politician who show up for publicity shots in heels and Italian leather, Michelle is out there in her green work boots and jeans putting work in and mingling with the other volunteers. In photos it always seems like she is actually connecting with the people around her. I’ve been to many volunteer events where the volunteers treated the people they were helping like children or science projects.

7. You can tell her husband treasures her and truly values her opinion. She ain’t no arm candy. She doesn’t emasculate or belittle Barack, at least it doesn’t seem that way, she supports and nurtures him. It is totally possible to let your man be a man and not be a doormat (i.e. cheating on, neglecting your feelings, selfishness, cursing and violence is not just being a man, that’s a dog). Men like to feel needed and wanted. They also like to provide and protect. Letting him be a man means letting him do things for you that you probably can do for yourself, and it sometimes means letting him fall (i.e. make stupid decisions) and being there to help him up. Michelle does that, it seems.

6. Her children seem so well mannered and well rounded. We’ve all seen kids running wild in grocery stores, malls, church and during the holidays. Some kids see an audience as the prime opportunity to show out. Not Sasha and Malia. I like the fact that they dress and act like kids.

5. She can dress her butt off. I heart her official White House photo dress. I’m saving my pennies right now. She dresses like a modern day Audrey Hepburn. I label her a “modern classic” like me. The fact that she’s not a label whore is also attractive. She’s not one of those scrappy wives who just throw ish to show they “got money.” Her clothes fit her body, age and personal agenda.

4. I can’t lie I love the fact that she has brown skin. As a person of color with darker skin, which I love, I’m glad to see Michelle serve as an example of beauty and success to girls and women who have issues with their skin. Too many times brown skinned women are in the background and seen as unwanted (you’ve seen the videos, the dark girl on roller skates serving drinks and/or shaking her arse you never see her face and the other girl sitting next to the star living the good life) but Michelle is her husband’s #1.

3. She’s inclusive. Throughout her career she was able to build a diverse network and she put-on a lot of people throughout her husband’s campaign. The people were not of one ethnicity, economic background and/or career field. Building a diverse network complete with mail room clerks to CEO is essential in a strong network. Networking is my kryptonite.

2. Her hair. Most of us (sistas) could have hair like that if we didn’t abuse it.

1. Her confidence is amazing. You can tell it doesn’t come from her clothes, her man, or her money. It comes from her working on her character, talents and taking care of your body. Unlike too many sistas her strength is not in her ass.