Friday, February 26, 2010
My Girl Gotta New Do
So I really like Dawn Richard's new cut and I think I wanna try it myself. Thing is it's hard to find someone who can do a good weave AND a great cut. I don't wanna look like I'm wearing a wig and I don't want a relaxer, but good look, Dawn.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Maybe it's Cabin Fever?
I've been feeling a little down lately. The month of February always makes me moody, restless, and a little sad. Yep, just like November. Anywho, I've been working a lot and dealing with the new 'energy' in the office. Plus I'm sick of being couped up in the house, I wanna buy some new clothes, I wanna plan a dope ass summer vacation, I wanna be able to pay for it and falling in love won't hurt. Take it away, Gorillaz!
Hey Sista, Go Sista

Catherine Kallon, blogger on one of my frequently visited sites, http://www.redcarpetfashionawards.com/ will be featured in Vogue Magazine and I am so happy for her. I just love to see women, especially women of color doing well. I've been reading her blog for almost a year and I didn't even know she was a sista until a couple of months ago.
Even though I'm not a Vogue fan, I know that this is BIG news if you are in the fashion industry. So, well done Catherine!
Also on a side note, did you know that Vogue Italia had sites targeted for curvy women and black women specifically? I read about it of my blog stroll this morning, www. thefashionomb.com. Click the links below to see for yourself.
Even though I'm not a Vogue fan, I know that this is BIG news if you are in the fashion industry. So, well done Catherine!
Also on a side note, did you know that Vogue Italia had sites targeted for curvy women and black women specifically? I read about it of my blog stroll this morning, www. thefashionomb.com. Click the links below to see for yourself.
Monday, February 22, 2010
13 Things I Wish I Knew Before 30
So I came across a piece on online magazine Clutch and decided to comment on the statements I could relate to the most.
1. If a man wants you, really wants you, there is nothing you can do to keep him away. Contrarily, if a man is not that interested in you, there is nothing you can do to make him stay.
Yes Lawd! Say it sista. There is a certain point when Jay Z’s “On to the Next One” starts playing in my head in regard to a prospective relationship with a man and the author said it best. It’s true I think as women we have to understand that having a working, loving mutually beneficial relationship is not entirely up to us. He has to be ready too, and sometimes he’s just not ready and it has NOTHING to do with YOU. That’s why people can be together for years and not get married until HE is ready.
Also it is important to note that the difference between a “shy-guy” and a guy who just doesn’t want you. A shy guy will make plans and hesitate in regard to intimacy, but he will respect you and your time and make sure that he is included on your schedule. A guy who doesn’t really want you will make plans on his time, call you when he wants to and basically not make you a priority. A man, any man will go after you IF he wants you.
2. Credit Is A Pathway To Financial Security
Good credit also means freedom. Freedom from staying up worried at night, freedom from high interest rates, freedom from being limited to the sales racks and stay-cations. It may not show up when we’re young, but when the responsibilities and reality shows up (i.e. bills, taxes, mounting debt, travel, mortgages) it won’t be pretty.
12. Decide How you Want To Be Treated And Never Alter From That
Do you hear it again, “On to the next one, on to the next one…”? I learned about “ugly girl syndrome” from the TV show The Game. Basically, it describes a woman who will do anything to keep her man, even take his B.S. with no resistance and I don't want to be "that girl." I say if you feel a man is “too good for you” or “too handsome for you” or whatever then go find someone who isn’t and be happy. However it is more important to know that nothing or no one is “too good for you.”
13. Take The Time To Better Yourself
My parents always taught me in simple terms “to worry about my damn self.” I didn’t understand this fully until high school and continue to see the importance as I get older. It’s not about being selfish it’s about doing what is best for you and not worrying about being the person someone else wants you to be or punishing and judging someone else. Cause at the end of the day after people talk about you, try to control you, or whatever they are only worried about what’s best for themselves. Think about it, he might not want you to get an advanced degree because he may feel pressure to do better or your mom doesn’t want you to pursue a career in ballet cause she doesn’t want to deal with disappointment if you don’t make it. This is not saying that it comes from a bad place; the people around you may not even be aware of their selfishness, but Beyonce said it best, “ I got me, myself, and I. That’s all I got in the end.”
I would like to add as number 14 that to take on a "Just Do it" attitude and not let fear prevent you from living your dreams. It may be fear of failure, fear of rejections, fear of losing someone or something, but I have never heard anyone regret TRYING, but I have heard and experienced regret of NOT TRYING. It's better to live life with very few "what ifs" than living live with a ton of "woulda, shoulda, couldas"
Click the title for the article and be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the other reader comments.
BTW, I'm not 30 yet! There's not a thing wrong with 30, I'm just not there yet. ;)
1. If a man wants you, really wants you, there is nothing you can do to keep him away. Contrarily, if a man is not that interested in you, there is nothing you can do to make him stay.
Yes Lawd! Say it sista. There is a certain point when Jay Z’s “On to the Next One” starts playing in my head in regard to a prospective relationship with a man and the author said it best. It’s true I think as women we have to understand that having a working, loving mutually beneficial relationship is not entirely up to us. He has to be ready too, and sometimes he’s just not ready and it has NOTHING to do with YOU. That’s why people can be together for years and not get married until HE is ready.
Also it is important to note that the difference between a “shy-guy” and a guy who just doesn’t want you. A shy guy will make plans and hesitate in regard to intimacy, but he will respect you and your time and make sure that he is included on your schedule. A guy who doesn’t really want you will make plans on his time, call you when he wants to and basically not make you a priority. A man, any man will go after you IF he wants you.
2. Credit Is A Pathway To Financial Security
Good credit also means freedom. Freedom from staying up worried at night, freedom from high interest rates, freedom from being limited to the sales racks and stay-cations. It may not show up when we’re young, but when the responsibilities and reality shows up (i.e. bills, taxes, mounting debt, travel, mortgages) it won’t be pretty.
12. Decide How you Want To Be Treated And Never Alter From That
Do you hear it again, “On to the next one, on to the next one…”? I learned about “ugly girl syndrome” from the TV show The Game. Basically, it describes a woman who will do anything to keep her man, even take his B.S. with no resistance and I don't want to be "that girl." I say if you feel a man is “too good for you” or “too handsome for you” or whatever then go find someone who isn’t and be happy. However it is more important to know that nothing or no one is “too good for you.”
13. Take The Time To Better Yourself
My parents always taught me in simple terms “to worry about my damn self.” I didn’t understand this fully until high school and continue to see the importance as I get older. It’s not about being selfish it’s about doing what is best for you and not worrying about being the person someone else wants you to be or punishing and judging someone else. Cause at the end of the day after people talk about you, try to control you, or whatever they are only worried about what’s best for themselves. Think about it, he might not want you to get an advanced degree because he may feel pressure to do better or your mom doesn’t want you to pursue a career in ballet cause she doesn’t want to deal with disappointment if you don’t make it. This is not saying that it comes from a bad place; the people around you may not even be aware of their selfishness, but Beyonce said it best, “ I got me, myself, and I. That’s all I got in the end.”
I would like to add as number 14 that to take on a "Just Do it" attitude and not let fear prevent you from living your dreams. It may be fear of failure, fear of rejections, fear of losing someone or something, but I have never heard anyone regret TRYING, but I have heard and experienced regret of NOT TRYING. It's better to live life with very few "what ifs" than living live with a ton of "woulda, shoulda, couldas"
Click the title for the article and be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the other reader comments.
BTW, I'm not 30 yet! There's not a thing wrong with 30, I'm just not there yet. ;)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Most Stylish Black Women in History
Essence gives us their take on the “Most Stylish Black Women in History.” I give my two cents below.
Angela Davis. Yesss baby, Ms. Davis is mos def a fashion icon. The fro! This is how it’s supposed to be healthy, polished and proud. I hate to see people disrespect the fro by allowing dirty, dry unkempt hair stand on top of their head and call it an afro. The fro, to me, is truly a sign of black pride and black beauty.
Grace Jones. Rihanna, Keri and all them others, take notes. Grace Jones has always been in a league of her own. I love her androgynous look and strong face. Her look and her trademark silhouette are making a comeback. I’m looking forward to reinterpreting her signature high-top fade this summer.
Rihanna and her team deserve a nod. The girl is fierce. I smiled at the little dig “Kelis-inspired hair cut” though.
Side Note: Iman gets a Big No from me. There is nothing unique or charming and her “looks” cause she has no style. And frankly I don’t like her especially after that whole Michelle Obama comment. FAIL!
Hood chic, that’s Mary she always looks so current without losing her own ‘edge’. Know what I mean? Plus, she’s been in the biz so long that you can see her progression from ‘round the way girl’ to mature, glamorous, stylish woman. Go Mary! BTW I luv the new do.
Where is Dorothy Dandridge and Lauryn Hill? I heart Dorothy’s classis style and elegance. She always appeared so lady-like and feminine. Also Lauryn Hill’s bohemian-hood star-glam style inspired my whole collegiate bohemian wanna be style in the school.

Above all my shero Mrs. O. Luv her!

Click the title for the article.
Angela Davis. Yesss baby, Ms. Davis is mos def a fashion icon. The fro! This is how it’s supposed to be healthy, polished and proud. I hate to see people disrespect the fro by allowing dirty, dry unkempt hair stand on top of their head and call it an afro. The fro, to me, is truly a sign of black pride and black beauty.

Grace Jones. Rihanna, Keri and all them others, take notes. Grace Jones has always been in a league of her own. I love her androgynous look and strong face. Her look and her trademark silhouette are making a comeback. I’m looking forward to reinterpreting her signature high-top fade this summer.

Rihanna and her team deserve a nod. The girl is fierce. I smiled at the little dig “Kelis-inspired hair cut” though.

Side Note: Iman gets a Big No from me. There is nothing unique or charming and her “looks” cause she has no style. And frankly I don’t like her especially after that whole Michelle Obama comment. FAIL!
Hood chic, that’s Mary she always looks so current without losing her own ‘edge’. Know what I mean? Plus, she’s been in the biz so long that you can see her progression from ‘round the way girl’ to mature, glamorous, stylish woman. Go Mary! BTW I luv the new do.

Where is Dorothy Dandridge and Lauryn Hill? I heart Dorothy’s classis style and elegance. She always appeared so lady-like and feminine. Also Lauryn Hill’s bohemian-hood star-glam style inspired my whole collegiate bohemian wanna be style in the school.

Above all my shero Mrs. O. Luv her!

Click the title for the article.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I'm Jumpin Out the Window!
So I am not a fan of Rihanna the persom, but Rihanna the pop/rock star is a BEAST! Her team is phenomenal, muah. Below is the video for her next single "Rude Boy" and I luv it! The colors, the clothes, the make-up, the concept - all hot. I could have done without the static winding, it was overkill and a little vulgar.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
We Are the World: Revisted
So again we have another remake of a classic song and I give it a B. With a little editing of artist solos and features it has potential, but it comes off as a half-assed attempt to recreate magic. No one can replace the stars of the original, but some of the "stars" just don't belong (i.e. Justin Bieber, Nicole Swixzwhogivesaeff, Miley Cyrus). WTF, man? The song should have featured this generation's icons/legends/stars and talented newcomers not fluff figures there to dumb down the message and weaken the vocals. Usher, Mary J, Toni, Enrique, Jennifer, Pink, Mary Mary and others have earned a place so have the newcomers like Trey Songz and Dauthery who are making waves, but that's just my opinion.
I appreciated the attempt to add a hip-hop element because hip-hop is relevant, but Mr. West could have covered that by himself.
People note the absence of "A-Listers" like Bey and Jay and Rihanna, but I say it's their loss.
I do like the song and appreciate the attempt to send the message the "we are the world, we are the children"; however I would be interested to hear a new "charity anthem" created by a new crop of producers and song writers. What would they say? What would be the new message?
See the original and the latest videos below.
"We are the World" 25 for Haiti
"We are the World" USA for Africa
I appreciated the attempt to add a hip-hop element because hip-hop is relevant, but Mr. West could have covered that by himself.
People note the absence of "A-Listers" like Bey and Jay and Rihanna, but I say it's their loss.
I do like the song and appreciate the attempt to send the message the "we are the world, we are the children"; however I would be interested to hear a new "charity anthem" created by a new crop of producers and song writers. What would they say? What would be the new message?
See the original and the latest videos below.
"We are the World" 25 for Haiti
"We are the World" USA for Africa
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Day 26 Stan Reporting
So here is a clip from Que's mix tape. Yes, Que's not Day 26's. I know that they are no longer a quintet and that Que has been putting out videos on YouTube explaining his side of the story. He only wanted "new management." We've heard it all before, but I knew it was going down a long time ago when Will was promoting his mixtape and Brian shouting out his record label.
Why cain't ninjas just stay together and sang? They actually has talent and a few hot songs. Oh yeah this is the age of get money quick and it's all about gimmicks and "swag." Bump talent. Them boys ain't have a chance.
Well a snippet from Que's diss to Day 26 is below and I've gotta admit I may be singing the chorus in my head to the haters in my life.
Also, Will's new video is below for your viewing pleasure. It is a laugh fest. Enjoy.
Why cain't ninjas just stay together and sang? They actually has talent and a few hot songs. Oh yeah this is the age of get money quick and it's all about gimmicks and "swag." Bump talent. Them boys ain't have a chance.
Well a snippet from Que's diss to Day 26 is below and I've gotta admit I may be singing the chorus in my head to the haters in my life.
Also, Will's new video is below for your viewing pleasure. It is a laugh fest. Enjoy.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wife vs. Wifey

So a Facebook friend posted an Essence link listing 9 reasons why being the 'wife' Is better than being the 'wifey." I am in total agreement. I've never understood the pride in wearing the "wifey" title. It always seemed just as stupid as being the "main squeeze." Both terms mean second best, not good enough, unofficial, you get the point.
The term only magnifies the lack of respect for the sanctity of marriage and unrest in finding true love and/or the unwillingness to actually put work and/or effort into a lasting relationship. People try to cover it up by saying marriage is just a piece of paper but so is a college degree, a paycheck or a deed to a house, right? Wrong! If a marriage license is "just" a piece of paper, then why don't you "just" get one? Cause it takes WORK and RESOURCES (i.e. finances you know that thing that is so near a dear to your heart). Maybe not necessarily money as in paper stacks, but possessions, space, independence. We all work to obtain a certain level of comfort and independence and in marriage you have to share that with someone else. With the wifey she only gets what the dude is willing to give. This also applies to time, affection and understanding.
And I've always been an all or nothing type of girl. I, sir am, eh will be a "Mrs." I ain't playing house and that's what a wifey does essentially, play house. I'm not saying that I don't work at relationships or do anything that in any way relates to being a good wife for a guy I'm serious about. I cook and I'll pick up the dry cleaning if I'll walking by the cleaners, but I don't feel obligated like I would if I were his wife. I'd do those things cause I want to. I ain't going to be doin all that for "free" for lack of better word.
My grandma was just talking about how once you get married a man will want you to do things on his time like cleaning. I clean when I feel like it now and if I don't feel like cooking I eat ice cream or go for pizza. If I had a husband and especially a family it would no longer be about me and only me.
I'm not a wife yet for a reason. I believe that God is preparing me for someone great and in the process I am becoming a true Proverbs 31 woman. Whatever I am becoming is too good to be some man's option, second best, backup plan, "wifey."
Number 7 on the list is the truth and sums it up best.
“I would want to constantly be a better man for my wife. Wifey just needs to accept who I am.” —Reese Jackson, 28
Preach! Click the title for the complete list.
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