Angela Davis. Yesss baby, Ms. Davis is mos def a fashion icon. The fro! This is how it’s supposed to be healthy, polished and proud. I hate to see people disrespect the fro by allowing dirty, dry unkempt hair stand on top of their head and call it an afro. The fro, to me, is truly a sign of black pride and black beauty.

Grace Jones. Rihanna, Keri and all them others, take notes. Grace Jones has always been in a league of her own. I love her androgynous look and strong face. Her look and her trademark silhouette are making a comeback. I’m looking forward to reinterpreting her signature high-top fade this summer.

Rihanna and her team deserve a nod. The girl is fierce. I smiled at the little dig “Kelis-inspired hair cut” though.

Side Note: Iman gets a Big No from me. There is nothing unique or charming and her “looks” cause she has no style. And frankly I don’t like her especially after that whole Michelle Obama comment. FAIL!
Hood chic, that’s Mary she always looks so current without losing her own ‘edge’. Know what I mean? Plus, she’s been in the biz so long that you can see her progression from ‘round the way girl’ to mature, glamorous, stylish woman. Go Mary! BTW I luv the new do.

Where is Dorothy Dandridge and Lauryn Hill? I heart Dorothy’s classis style and elegance. She always appeared so lady-like and feminine. Also Lauryn Hill’s bohemian-hood star-glam style inspired my whole collegiate bohemian wanna be style in the school.

Above all my shero Mrs. O. Luv her!

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