I think I‘m getting the blues again (I know it happens a lot). Maybe I’m just tired this time though, I just finished a stressful event and my part-time gig is becoming a little stressful too; it’s just not fun anymore. I’ve been working every day of the week for full days of work! Geez, what the hell am I on? I’m starting to feel like a crack head cause I don’t have anything to show for my hard work, too many trips to Target perhaps.
Anyhoo, I’m making a list of things that I’m looking forward to this summer in hopes to cheer myself up.
1. I’m going to the Erykah Badu concert this month. I thought Janelle Monae was coming too, but it looks like N.E.R.D will be stepping in instead. No worries, I’m craving some good music right now. It would be great if the Roots made an appearance wouldn’t it?
2. Movies! Movies! Movies! Shrek: Forever After, Toy Story 3, The Losers, Takers and Grown –Ups (I know I’m a big arse kid).
3. After a big conference in Orlando for work, I’m going to stay a couple extra days to go to Disney World. Yay! I’ve never been to Disney World so I’m geeked. Plus the hotel has a pool that I can chilax by and work on my tan. (Maybe that’s why I haven’t quit my part time gig? I would be broke, like Kappa broke.)
4. The Smithsonian offers a photography class in July for a price that fits my budget. I just have to make sure I can use my current camera. Click!
5. My new apartment is mos def an upgrade from my old digs and it’s time to invest in decorating my room. I’m thinking deep purples and lots of embellishments and real furniture! The only thing of value is my bed cause I refuse sacrifice a good night’s sleep. In my defense, there is nothing wrong with IKEA when you are just starting out.
6. At work, after conference we usually get every other Friday off during the summer and I’m going to cut my hours on the part time job too so I’m taking back my weekends (well at least a few). Sunday morning trips to the Smithsonian and lounging at Barnes & Noble’s here I come, after church of course. Heck I may even venture to Farmer’s Markets and street festivals. This calls for new sandals, right?
7. I am sick of being an armchair revolutionary, so this summer I promise myself to go do some good for someone else and not just padding the collection plate either. I’m gonna get my volunteerism/ activism on.
8. My mom’s coming to visit!
9. Summer music and concerts! Last Train to Paris (June 28) and Bionic (June 4)
10. “Skin so brown, lips so round, Baby how can I be down? Beautiful mahogany, you make me feel like a queen Tell me what's that thing you do that makes me wanna get next to you, yeah”
Yessss! Honey, skin, skin and more skin and I’ve been doin squats too short shorts here I come!