Then I thought, maybe it’s my tongue. I’ve been told it’s sometimes sarcastic, cunning, and at times funny. I am a little sarcastic and I joke all the time, but that’s just me. I feel awkward if I’m trying to be bubbly and sweet. Sometimes I wonder if I were another color would it be different. I’ve heard some women say things that were downright offensive, rude and sarcastic and be called funny or just sarcastic, but I say something I gotta be mad or angry or bitter? If I were a guy, I’d be a leader right?
I can be mean when pushed and pushed. Everyone who knows me truly knows that I don’t like confrontation and that I’m actually quite reserved. So if I’m pissed enough to confront you, I AM PISSED so if you get IT, then you had IT coming. So what? I can’t stand up for myself?
Finally, I have a penchant for telling the truth (I told a lie once junior year and it ate me up so bad, I came clean and vowed to never ever lie again, ever). So if you ask me a question I’m gonna tell the truth with tact and class of course. So you complaining about your boss fussing you out for being chronically late, but you admit you always get up at the same time and the bus is always late. I’m gonna tell you to get yo arse up earlier and take an earlier bus so if the bus is late you won’t be, duh. Your boss has the right to be upset, YOU messin up. Does that make me angry or honest?
I am not an arguer. Don’t Angry Black Women like to argue and do their signature neck roll all the time? Well, I must admit I have done a neck roll once before and it felt good, ain’t nothing wrong with it, but for arguments sake, don’t angry black women look for arguments and opportunities to “tell somebody off.”? I’ll say my peace and flash the “deuces” arguing takes too much time and energy and how does the saying go, “When you see two people arguing from a distance it’s hard to tell who is the fool and who isn’t. “ The stereo typical ABW loves a good fight, right?
It’s bad enough when other people call you an angry black woman, but when my people do it; it does upset me a little. Dudes are offended cause you ask a question, don’t accept their tired excuses, or don’t run and jump at their command. I’m supposed to be grateful an employed brother is talking to me right? What I don’t get is black women unjustly labeling another black woman an ABW. Maybe they don’t want to interrupt the status quo, whatever.
Stereotypes suck, but they aren’t just made up. Some people fit the bill, I ain’t lying. Some people fit the bill sometimes. Some people fit the bill all the time, but stereotypes do harm to reputation, self esteem and ego. Fact. Maybe it’s time for me to do some tweaking in my presentation to the world. If more than one person says something it may have some truth, especially if these people don’t know each other, right? Maybe it’s not the same wording, maybe it’s a common theme.
Do different people from different areas of your life agree on something about you? Do you have reason to believe these people are out to cause you harm? If the first answer is yes and the second is no, then maybe you need to make some changes. Hmm, I’m gonna let that marinate.
Well I guess it boils down to, “Perception is reality,” which is true. If you wanna see me as an angry black woman, then that’s all you will see; but you’ll be missing out.