Friday, December 18, 2009

It's that time again

I heart the holiday season. I do, even though I get bouts of the blues from time to time. Next to September, January is my favorite month. It signifies a “new beginning.” After the roller coaster that is shopping, family gatherings/showdowns, burnt cookies, cursing out sales people, donating to charities, giving gifts, getting gifts, partying or wallowing, January is a time to chill out and refuel, you know after you take down the holiday decorations, IF you bothered to put any up. Every year since the fifth grade I would write my New Year’s Resolutions at this time.
They pretty much have been the same: lose five pounds, tone up, eat less junk food, watch less t.v., spend less, yadda, yadda yadda.

This year I’m going to change my paradigm (PEAR-A –DIG-EM), remember that commercial? Any who, instead of less, I’m going to think MORE. Maybe that way the tasks won’t seem so arduous and constrictive. Know what I mean?


Instead of - Think

Eat healthier - Eat MORE fruits and veggies

Lose five pounds- Get MORE exercise

Stick to a budget - Save MORE first (if I put it away in my savings first, I won’t have much to
spend, Ah ha!)

Put family first -Spend MORE time with the fam

So in addition to my mainstays above, hopefully that’ll get crossed of the list for 2011, for 2010 I’m also going to:

Give MORE. Smile MORE. Pray MORE. Read MORE. Say MORE. Live MORE. Be MORE